Allergy-Friendly Dogs
There is nothing worse than having allergies if you
are a dog lover. However, those with allergies find
that non-shedding and hypoallergenic dog breeds aggravate
their allergies far less. Most people who experience
these allergies are allergic to the dander that dogs
produce rather than the actual dog fur. Hypo-allergenic
dogs produce less dander than dogs who do not hold this
title, causing those who are sensitive to pet dander
to have a weaker reaction. Many hypo-allergenic dogs
also shed less, which helps prevent the onset of allergy
symptoms because the shedding of hair facilitates the
spread of dander.
Don’t assume that a hairless or short-haired dog will
be hypo-allergenic; the length of a dog's hair or the
amount of hair it has does not necessarily correlate
to the amount of dander it will produce and the amount
it will shed, and therefore how strongly it will aggravate
allergies. You should also keep in mind that all dogs
produce dander; some simply produce less than others.
If you are allergic, you must still be vigilant; make
careful, informed choices in selecting a dog breed,
and be sure to remove dog hair from your environment,
as it may carry dander.
Ultimately, the best way to determine if a dog is the
right fit for you is to spend time with it. To guide
your search before you reach this step, however, we
have compiled a list of several relatively allergy-friendly
dog breeds:
Allergy-Friendly Dog Breeds Include:
Afghan Hounds
Airedale Terriers
Bedlington Terriers
Bichon Frisé
Border Terriers
Chinese Crested
Coton de Tulear
Dandie Dinmont Terrier
German Shorthaired Pointer
Irish Water Spaniel
Kerry Blue Terrier
Lagotto Romagnolo
Lhasa Apso
Peruvian Inca Orchid
Polish Lowland Sheepdog
Portuguese Water Dog
Shih Tzu
Wheaten Terrier
Yorkshire Terrier
Dog Gifts