Dog Gifts

A Collection of Dog Training and Dog Care Articles
Tips related to dog training and caring for new puppies. Learn how to break your canine's bad habits and have an obedient dog.
Learn About Bullmastiffs |
Bullmastiffs comprise a breed of large-sized dog originally bred in England in the 19th century. They were first bred for use as guard dogs, and were put to work assisting wardens and gamekeepers. Bullmastiffs were first created by crossing English Mastiffs with Old English Bulldogs, with Mastiff heritage being more present in the ultimate product's genotype than that of Bulldogs. The Bullmastiff was first recognized as a breed in the early to mid-20th century.
Learn All About Bullmastiffs
Learn About Boxer Dogs |
Boxers comprise a breed of dogs belonging to the molosser group, which originated in Germany in the 1850s. They were initially bred from relatives of mastiffs and Old English bulldogs
Learn About Boxer Dogs
Learn About Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs |
Great Swiss Mountain Dogs comprise a breed of large-sized dog, the origin of which is not known for certain. One theory regarding their origin suggests that Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs are descended from an old mastiff-type breed. An alternate theory suggests that their ancestors are an unknown breed of large dog that was brought to Switzerland by the Phoenicians in 1100 BC.
Learn About Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs
Learn About Whippets |
The Whippet dog breed originated in the 17th or 18th century, when greyhounds that were too small to hunt deer were bred together exclusively by peasants who could not legally own hunting dogs. These early Whippets were bred to capture rats and hunt small prey such as rabbits, primarily using their vision to hunt. Once the breed gained popularity, Whippet racing became a popular sport, and people began to breed Whippets for racing.
Learn About Whippets
Learn About Papillons |
The papillon is a breed of small dogs belonging to the Spaniel family. The breed may be traced back to its likely origin in Italy at least as early as the thirteenth century. The breed has been long associated with royalty and, in part because of this esteemed association, it has been documented in artwork throughout history. However, the breed has undergone several changes over the past several centuries before arriving at its distinct modern appearance, and was not recognized by the American Kennel Club until the early twentieth century.
Learn About Papillons
Newfoundland Dog Breed Facts |
The Newfoundland dog breed originated in the Dominion of Newfoundland, territory that is now a part of Canada. in the 18th century. Newfoundlands are likely the product of breeding the naturally occurring St. Johns dog breed with Portuguese mastiffs, and were bred to help fishermen haul in nets. Newfoundlands are particularly well known for their tendency to rescue people from water, often without being prompted to do so by humans. Due to their skill at and propensity for this task, they are often employed in human-directed water rescues, as well.
Newfoundland Dog Breed Facts
Facts About the Dachshund Dog Breed |
Dachshunds comprise a breed of small dogs of the hound family, the name of which literally translates from German to badger dog. The breed is thought to have originated from ancient Egypt, and has since been bred from a variety of hounds and terriers in Germany for the purpose of hunting badgers, as their name suggests. The time at which dachshunds were bred for the purpose of hunting badgers is the subject of debate, but they are known to have existed in their modern form by the 18th century.
Facts about the Dachshund Dog Breed
Italian Greyhounds |
Italian greyhounds are a small breed of sight hound. The breed is believed to be thousands of years old, and originated in regions that are now the modern countries of Turkey and Greece. Though the dogs most likely occupied Italy before the first century, AD, their name derives from their extreme popularity as a companion breed during the Italian Renaissance.
Italian Greyhounds
Top 10 Most Intelligent Dog Breeds |
Given that it is difficult to measure and rank the objective intelligence of dog breeds, there is controversy over which breed is the smartest. Many factors may be assessed in determining a dog's intelligence; some working dogs are able to memorize specific tasks, while other breeds may learn more quickly, but may also become distracted more easily. In spite of this difficulty, there are several breeds that are generally held to rank among the most intelligent dog breeds.
Top 10 Most Intelligent Dog Breeds
Allergy Friendly Dog Breeds |
There is nothing worse than having allergies if you are a dog lover. However, those with allergies find that non-shedding and hypoallergenic dog breeds aggravate their allergies far less. Most people who experience these allergies are allergic to the dander that dogs produce rather than the actual dog fur. Hypo-allergenic dogs produce less dander than dogs who do not hold this title, causing those who are sensitive to pet dander to have a weaker reaction. Many hypo-allergenic dogs also shed less, which helps prevent the onset of allergy symptoms because the shedding of hair facilitates the spread of dander.
Allergy Friendly Dog Breeds
Why Dogs Eat Grass? |
It is thought that dogs who devour grass only to throw it up actually cause themselves to vomit on purpose. A dog who partakes in this behavior usually does so because they have an upset stomach, and deliberately devours grass without completely chewing it. As they swallow this grass, in-tact blades of grass tickle the dog's esophagus, causing them to vomit and, oftentimes, providing the dog with relief.
Why Dogs Eat Grass?
How to Choose a Dog Name |
You have a new puppy, and as excited as you are, you may be struggling to find the perfect name for your new puppy. There are many factors you may want to consider while choosing a name.
You will likely need to use your dogs name in mixed company, so be sure to find an appropriate name. While a foul or particularly silly name may be funny or entertaining amongst your friends, it may not be as humorous in front of your grandparents.
How to Choose A Name From Your Dog
Therapy Dogs |
Therapy dogs first came into systematic use in the 1970s when a nurse, Elaine Smith, observed that patients responded particularly well to visits from a man and his golden retriever. After making this observation, Smith pioneered the development and use of training programs for prospective therapy dogs.
Therapy Dogs
Working Dogs! |
Some dog breeds thrive when they have a job to do. Working dogs have been successful in a variety of capacities including search and rescue, police dogs, and therapy dogs.
Working Dogs
Dog Breed Popularity |
Researching dog breeds before adopting is an important step in the process, and should not be overlooked. It is crucial to pick a breed with the qualities that you desire. While this in no way guarantees you the perfect dog, certain breeds commonly have certain characteristics. The following is a list of some of the most common dog breeds.
Dog Breed Popularity
Health Issues in Old English Sheep Dogs |
The Old English Sheepdog is prone to the following health conditions:
Canine Hip Dysplasia - Hip dysplasia is an abnormal formation of the hip socket that, in its more severe form, can eventually cause crippling lameness and painful arthritis of the joints. It is a polygenic trait, that is affected by environmental factors in the production of the final phenotype. It can be found in many animals and occasionally in humans, but is most commonly associated with dogs, and is common in many dog breeds, particularly the larger breeds.
Old English Sheepdog Health Issues
Dog Gifts for Dog Lovers |
Dog are often more than just pets -- they are frequently considered to be an important family member. Celebrate your love for dogs with unique dog gifts. Dogs, aptly known as man's best friend, are creatures of comfort. They often boast qualities we look for in our closest two-legged friends, from loyalty to dogged determination.
Gifts for Dog Lovers
Australian Cattle Dog |
The Australian Cattle Dog breed originated in Australia in the 1800s.
The Australian Cattle Dog was initially bred to herd cattle. Australian Cattle Dogs are working dogs developed by cattlemen in the 1830s. Australian Cattle Dog round up cattle by nipping at their heels.
Australian Cattle Dog
Old English Sheepdog |
The Old English Sheepdog dog breed originated in Great Britain in the 1800s. The Old English Sheepdog is also known as the Bobtail. The Old English Sheepdog was initially bred to herd sheep.
The Old English Sheepdog has a square build with a long shaggy coat. The Old English Sheepdog has a waterproof undercoat and a shaggy outer coat.
Old English Sheepdog
Australian Shepherd Facts |
The Australian Shepherd originated in the United States, despite the name the Australian Shepherd originated in the United States in the 1800s.
The Australian Shepherd was initially bred to herd sheep. The Australian Shepherd is a medium size athletic dog, they are lithe, and agile. The Australian Shepherd weighs 35-70 lbs and is 18-23 inches tall.
Australian Shepherd Facts
Dog Types and Classifications |
There are seven types of dog classifications. One of the seven types of dogs is a Terrier. Dogs classified as Terriers are small dogs and are pest killing dogs.
Dog Types
How to Help Your Dog Lose Weight |
Obesity is on the rise for canines. The reasons for this influx are similar to those that humans experience, too much food and too little exercise. The results of obesity are similar for your canine friends too. Studies reveal that 25% of overweight dogs experience severe joint problems. This effects there daily activities such as walking, standing and sitting. It also increases pain and makes jumping up or down off the bed difficult. If a dog is overweight its lungs cannot function properly- the extra fat pushes against the lungs and diaphragm and makes breathing more difficult.
Carrying extra weight decrease ability to preform daily activities. It takes more work to do everything. Body systems have to do more than they were designed for because extra weight places strain on the heart, muscles and respiratory system. Because being overweight causes daily tasks to be more difficult and causes more pain, dogs can become more irritable. Dogs who are overweight have a shorter life span and a lower quality of life. However, there are several things that a pet owner can do to help their animals shed the pounds and live a longer, happier life.
How to Help Your Dog Lose Weight
Breeding Your Dog: Does it Make Any Cents? |
For anyone who may balk at the price of good pups nowadays, or who may think to himself, “At those prices I should become a breeder!” let me assure you that breeding does not make millionaires. There are a lot of bad reasons people breed their dogs, but there are only a few good ones. If you don’t meet all three of the following conditions and you still want to breed your dog, take a long, hard look at the situation in our crowded shelters across the country before you decide to contribute to the problem.
Breeding Your Dog, Does it Make Cents?
Take Five: Five tips to track down your canine soul mate |
There is a right and a wrong way to pick a pooch. The process is a little like dating. The few who find fulfillment in love are those who use their hearts and their heads. There is a special kind of nirvana when a person connects with their canine soul mate. They weren’t fooling when they called dog “man’s best friend.” But such unions don’t happen by mistake. A little careful preparation will go a long way. And to simplify your search, we have five suggestions. we’ve borrowed a little Hollywood lingo to make the tips more memorable.
Canine Soulmates
The Rex Files: Your Dog and the Law |
Every year 5 million dog bite reports are filed. Over $1 billion are paid in losses. Reacting to complaints, city councils are passing ever more ordinances that affect dog ownership. Neighborhood, rental complexes, and home owners associations are including rules for regulating pets within their boundaries. Even insurance companies are putting in their two cents worth when it comes to our furry family members. While it’s not always a top concern for many dog owners, it’s definitely in your best interest to be aware of the legal implications of owning a pet.
The Rex Files: Your Dog and the Law
Pick me! Why a shelter dog is your best choice |
Disney left a life-long impression on me when, as a youngster, I viewed the dog pound scene in Lady and the Tramp. Mournful mutts howled out a pitiful rendition of “Home Sweet Home,” which nobody but the most callous could sit through dry-eyed. The pound was portrayed as a cruel place manned by heartless dog-catchers. I vowed never to step foot in one, not even to save the life of one of the rejected creatures. Adopting a pet under such sad conditions would certainly place a cloud over the day. Could I ever leave completely happy with the dog I chose, knowing that dozens were left behind in misery?
Pick me! Why a shelter dog is your best choice
Dogs in Print: Five dogs you Must Bring Home |
Calling all dog-lovers! Dogs have made some of the most unforgettable characters in literature. It’s not uncommon for children to become as attached to a dog in print as the real thing. Puppy love comes in all forms. In fact, I believe I can trace my canine-cravings to my earliest days of reading, when I fell in love with Old Dan and Little Ann (from Where the Red Fern Grows). Below, I’ve compiled a list of five famous dogs you must bring home for your littlest children! (Good news…you won’t have to clean up after these champions!)
Dogs in Print
Labrador Retriever Traits |
If you're thinking of getting a Labrador Retriever as a pet then remember that their natural instinct is to retrieve everything and anything! Young Labrador Retrieversup to about three years old, romp and jump with great vigor, and things can go flying, including people.
Labrador Retriever Traits
St Bernard Traits |
The origin of the Saint Bernard Dog is tied to the mountain pass and the monastery of the same name. Dogs then were relatively smaller than they are today, so the Saint Bernards of the past were probably much smaller. The direct ancestors of the St Bernard were the large farm dogs common in that region. By 1900, the Saint Bernard had gained popularity and is still one of the most popular of the giant breeds.
St Bernard Traits
Poodle Traits |
The poodle comes in three different varieties; standard, miniature and toy; however, the only difference is the size. The standard or largest size is thought to be the original Poodle. The standard poodle, classified in the nonsporting-dog group, stands over 15 inches in height. A miniature poodle is 10-15 inches in height and the toy poodle, which is classified as a toy dog, stands up to 10 inches in height at the shoulder and weighs around 10 pounds. .
Poodle Traits
German Shepherd Traits |
The German shepherd dog is very intelligent, easy to train, powerful and elegant. The German shepherd dog is medium to large size with erect pointed ears, a long body, and a weather resistant coat. A thick stiff outer coat covered by a softer inner one makes the German shepherd readily able to withstand extreme climates. German Shepherd's range in color from black and tan to black and red, while the white German Shepherd is being seen more often these days.
German Shepherd Traits
Good Dogs for Children |
The big day has finally arrived, a new member of the family will be joining your ranks. When you bring the little one home, you want to know you have made the right decision, are they going to fit in well with the other family members, will they be kind to everyone, will they be too rambunctious or too big? Of course by little one I am referring to a new dog in the family. These are questions that often come to mind when bringing home a new pet. While there are no guarantees that whatever dog you choose will connect instantly with your family and most important your children, considering a few different things will better ensure a proper match.
Good Dogs for Children
Dog Training |
Obedience training is the foundation for establishing a better relationship between you and your dog. Obedience training helps establish the owner in the role of "pack leader", and will lay down clear behavior guidelines that your dog can follow. A well-behaved, obedient dog is more than just a pet of pride. The difference lies largely in the training, and good training can save a dog's life.
Dog Training
Dog Obedience Training |
Play training remains important right through the training and trialing stages. Puppies are distracted easily and can try your patience, but you must remember the time you spend training your puppy now will pay off when you have an adult dog. The aim is to help you give your puppy, adolecent and elderly dogs a better, more enjoyable dog life. Just get your pup familiar and comfortable wearing a collar. A simple buckle collar is fine for this purpose. If your puppy is rolling around or trying to scratch the collar off, don't take it off him at this time.
Dog Obedience Training
Puppy Proof Your Home |
Before bringing your new puppy home, select a veterinarian and set up an appointment for a checkup. Your puppy will need to have regular checkups, and immunizations to protect him from common canine infections.
A new puppy is akin to having a new toddler. The puppy, while only an 'infant', has the ability to be mobile and access everything that he or she really shouldn't. New puppy owners should not let their new puppy out of your sight for too long of a period of time.
Puppy Proof Your Home
Search and Rescue Dogs |
While rewarding work, it should be noted that most search and rescue personnel, ground pounders in SAR terms, are volunteers and not paid for their work. In times of disaster, SAR dogs are looked upon as sources of hope, courage, and comfort. It takes a special kind of animal to be a SAR dog, one who is obedient, agile, and above all, eager to please.
Search and Rescue Dogs
Tips to Grooming Dogs |
Animals like to be left alone and are not very comfortable when someone touches them. Hence, in the beginning, dogs don't generally respond positively to the grooming routine. In order to make the process easier teach the dog early on to allow all parts of his body to be touched, handled, and groomed without objection. The goal is to teach the dog, first that such touch does not hurt, then that touch must be accepted, then later, that such touch is actually pleasant.
Dog Grooming Tips
Keep Your Dog Fit and Healthy |
What is the best dog food? Veterinarians are often hit by that question from scads of anxious dog owners. Every dog owner wants to feed their dog with the best that is available. However, the sheer variety of dog foods and the conflicting views on the best dog diet can leave you quite perplexed. While some experts assert that home made food is best for dogs, others argue that commercial dog food is better. Anyway, we have witnessed a shift towards commercial dog food, owing much to the fast paced life that we all lead.
Even if you don't find time out of your hectic work schedule to prepare a home made dog meal, you can still provide your pet with the best dog food. The markets are buzzing with prepackaged real dog foods that are much like the home made dog meals. Either you can purchase a prepackaged meal to provide balanced nutrition, or you may buy a specific diet according to your dog's individual needs.
Keep Your Dog Fit and Healthy
How to Teach Dogs the Down Command |
Teaching the down command can be a dawnting task if you don't use the proper techniques. The method that I've used to quickly train my dog involves three steps. First you must make sure that your dog understands what it must do when it is given the "down" command. Second, you must be certain that you have practiced the down command 3X a day for 5min. each time for a period of 1 week.. The last step is to use a technique I learned from Winnifred Strickland to teach your dog the down command by signal rather than by a verbal command.
Down Command
Ins and Outs of Dog Grooming |
Dog grooming may sound simple, but it is more involved than just washing and drying your canine friend. There are some important health benefits that can be obtained by either learning the proper techniques or visiting a professional dog groomer on a regular basis. Not only do you address their fur but you also address their paws, ears, and other important senses.
Dog grooming as it pertains to the ears involves periodic cleanings and inspections. Your veterinarian or dog groomer will recommend a saline solution or similar product to help dissolve excess earwax. Make sure you learn the proper techniques before trying this to avoid injuries to their sensitive eardrums. Your vet will show you how to do it and what to look for, especially if your dog has longer hair. These dogs are more prone to ear infections than their short-haired counterparts.
Dog Grooming
Proper Dog Behavior |
There are many reasons for teaching proper dog behavior, and teaching such behavior has many benefits for both the human and canine partners. Dog behavior training is vital to such life and death issues as preventing aggression, controlling dog on dog aggression problems and teaching dogs to interact properly with both their handlers and with other members of the family.
Understanding how dogs evolved, and how dogs interact with each other, is very important to understanding how to properly train your dog to be a devoted, loyal companion.
The original dogs were probably orphaned wolf pups adopted by early humans. These wild dogs probably learned to perform behaviors that their human protectors valued, such as guarding the cave or scaring off predators. In exchange for these valued behaviors, the humans probably provided their new companions with foods, protection and shelter.
Proper Dog Behavior
The Top 10 Most Popular Dog Breeds |
"What are the most popular dogs?"
Popularity, of course, varies by region. Although there is some change from nation to nation, there is a greater change between regions. Because apartment-dwellers often want smaller pets, a list of the Top City Dogs would include such smaller dogs as the Miniature Schnauzer, Pomeranian and the Pug. The Most Popular Country Dogs are larger dogs, including the Collie and Siberian Husky.
Dogs in Literature and Hollywood have influenced breed popularity over the past century.
Top 10 Most Popular Dog Breeds
House Breaking Your Puppy |
The first necessary and often unrealized initiation into dog training is when a person or family decides to get a puppy in the house. Puppies are not only demanding in terms of craving affection and a play partner, behaviorily they can push the patience of the calmest people on the planet.
One of the most difficult things to break them of is the dreaded "accident", or unexpected going to the bathroom in the house, commonly referred to as House breaking.
House Breaking Your Puppy
Dog Treats: Should You Use Them In Dog Training? |
There's always been some controversy over whether you should give treats.
Now, some people say, "Of course! Give the dog treats so he'll obey you. After all, you won't get his attention if you don't give him anything he enjoys." On the other hand, some other people will say, "No, don't give the dog treats! He'll be only obeying you for the food."
Should You Use Dog Treats?
Dog Training FAQ |
I frequently get asked the same questions by different clients all the time. Here are the questions and the solutions.
Why won't my dog come to me when I call them?
First of dogs with out a fenced in yard are the harder to teach come to, because they do not have enough time off leash and will not give that up when they are loose. If you give your dog ample exercise off leash in an enclosed park or some other area on a regular basis then it is no big deal for them to come to you when they are loose because they are not giving anything up. Also you MUST be exciting no one wants a boring dog and no dog wants a boring owner. I can teach you 3 tools that will get your dog to come to you first their name means come to me, then "come" as an emergencies command and then I have a secret weapon that is fool proof.
Dog Training FAQ
How to Prevent a Dog Bite |
Most humans are not aware that some of their body postures when greeting an unfamiliar dog are perceived as a threat in the dog world.
For example: typical human behavior when greeting a dog is to say over and over again, "it's ok, it's ok," as they extend their arm out to reach over the dog's head to give them a pet. This is a threatening posture in the dog world. Always let the dog approach you in their own time, especially if it does not want to meet you. When they are comfortable with you and are allowing you to touch them, then, rather than reaching to pet their head go for under their chin, and pet their chest or the shoulders.
How to Prevent a Dog Bite
Relationship with Your Dog |
My best friend is incredible! She's one of those rare types who hangs on every word you say. She's content to be quiet when I need stillness, even though she's one of those high-drive types. All I have to do is call and she's there in an instant, no matter what she was doing before. She puts me ahead of all her other friends, never fails to make me feel special, and is a redhead just like me.
But she's not a person, even though she's sure she is. She is a butterfly dog; a Papillon.
Relationships with Your Dad
Choosing Your Puppy |
When expecting a new puppy addition to the family you want nothing but the best. You check out the best day-care facilities, kindergarten and schooling.
So, why should it be any different when the new addition is a puppy? Hey, if it's good enough for stars like Brittany and Paris, who are we to question this new trend in spoiling our pets.
Choosing Your Puppy
Search and Rescue Training |
There are many things dogs can be trained to do but, of all the tasks a working dog can perform, search and rescue ranks the highest for needing qualified, professional trainers. A Search and Rescue (SAR) dog's performance, quite literally, can determine life or death to a human in need.
As shocking as it may sound, there is no set of standards for rescue dog training. Subsequently, rescue clubs, teams, and individuals emerge as trainers, when, in fact, they may know little, or nothing at all, about training a SAR dog.
Search and Rescue Training
Removing Matts on Your Dog |
Before I discuss the tricks used to remove matts on your dog I must emphasize a few things. If your dog is badly matted or the matts are close to the skin I strongly recommend you take your dog to a professional to have him groomed. I also recommend a professional if your dog is elderly or can not tolerate being brushed.
Having said that let's talk matts.
Removing Matts
Basics of Dog Training |
The most important things in dog training are consistency, keeping dog's attention and understanding your dog.
To get the respect of your dog you must be consistent. You should make a set of do's and don'ts for your dog. Follow these guidelines to the letter, if a dog does something desirable always reward it, if a dog does something bad punish him or her appropriately. In dogs world consistency is a sign of a leader. You will make your training my easier and effective by being a leader who the dog respects and follows.
Basics of Dog Training
House Training Your Puppy |
Puppy house training, which includes litter training, is one of the first things we all must do with our new pets. That is, unless we are lucky enough to get a pet that has already been housebroken! Along with housebreaking puppies some people must also litter train their new dogs. Why?
With most families working during the day the puppy will probably be left alone for hours at a time. When we talk about litter training we mean training our puppy to use paper to do their business, or better yet, to use special dog papers to potty on when we are absent.
House Training Your Puppy
Training Differences Between Mutts and Purebreds |
The pure bred dog, no manner the breed, is truly a beautiful animal to look upon. These are animals that have been refined, over the centuries, to reach their pure and unadulterated state as found today. The pure bred dogs have also been bred for temperament and bloodlines from the earliest of times. Yet there is another kind of dog that goes back in history even further than any pure bred dog! What is this unique breed?
Training Differences
Professional Dog Training |
Most areas have a dog training school that takes puppies and more mature dogs alike and if you are in the early stages of obedience training then taking your puppy or dog to one of these schools is a very useful step.
Not only do dog obedience training schools help teach your dog obedience skills but they also teach you how to teach them. As well as this, obedience schools are full of other dogs and other people and most of these people have been in the same position as you.
Professional Dog Training
Police Training a Dog |
Good police dog training is important for any dog that is potentially going to become a member of any police force. Selecting the right dog for police dog training, and practicing proper police dog training techniques is extremely important.
The following paragraphs will give some useful tips for selecting the right dog for police dog training, and provide some basic police dog training tips.
Police Training a Dog
Teach Your Dog to Come |
Let's face it, dogs run away. It's a fact. They'll dart out the front door the minute it's opened, curious to explore their world. They'll chase other dogs, squirrels, and cats. They'll bolt when loud noises frighten them or aggressive dogs threaten them; and they'll never watch for traffic--they'll run right into the street.
Teach Your Dog to Come
Dog Health and Grooming |
What can you do to improve the health of your dog, its coat, and its skin that is cheap and effective? Grooming that's what! A small investment of time and money for grooming can yield numerous benefits for your dog's health!
Dog Health and Grooming
Easy Dog Training Tips |
Here are tips that one should keep in mind to train his dog more easily.
Digging Behavior
Dogs, as social beings, consider digging as their outlet when they are lonely. Nutrient deficiency may also cause this digging. Also known as pica, they sometimes eat the dirt they dig to supplement their health. Spending more time with your dog and giving him a health check will keep his digging behavior at bay.
Easy Dog Training Tips
What Is Dog Agility Training |
Keeping a dog healthy and happy involves feeding them well and providing them with mental and physical stimulation. Some dogs are not happy with just a simple walk and they would be much happier with more strenuous exercise.
Dog agility training has that to offer in masses and the training and learning of a course will also help to feed the gray matter. One other advantage of dog agility training is that every dog loves the attention and the praise they receive so they will strive to do well and show off.
What is Dog Agility Training?
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