Gamewright's Dog Dice, a Bingo game with a variety of lovable canine personalities, is an addictive pleasure for both kids and adults. Rather than numbers, the playing boards are decorated with squares depicting four dogs eating, frolicking with their child-owner, groveling for food, and getting into mischief. The title refers to the two dice that act as command central of the game: one die features the four distinctive dogs (Gizmo the mutt, Stretch the dachshund, Gigi the poodle, and McDuff the Scottie); the second die displays elements of a dog's life (pictures of a bone, food dish, the kid, a doghouse, plus the word trouble). Players match the two dice to a square on their boards--Gizmo in his doghouse, for example--then mark that picture with a small cardboard bone. The first to get a row of marked squares yells "Hot Dog!" and wins. In an ingenious twist, one can also achieve "Hot Dog!" by marking, canine-style, the four corners of one's playing board. The only drawback to this enchanting game is that there are only four boards in the set, thus limiting the number of players. Winner of awards from Dr. Toy and the Oppenheim Toy Portfolio. Dog Dice is for two to four players.