By Fran Black
There are seven types of dog classifications.
One of the seven types of dogs is a Terrier. Dogs classified
as Terriers are small dogs and are pest killing
dogs. Terriers were originally trained to discover
and kill rodents. Terriers are argumentative and are not
usually a stranger's best friend.
Terriers are intelligent and show well.
One of the most popular types of Terriers is a Jack Russel.
Jack Russels are a small crossbreed. Jack Russles tend
to be quite noisy and bouncy. Terriers adapt well to all
places living comfortably in a farmhouse or in an apartment.
Another type of dog is the Hound.
Hound dog are typically hunting dogs. The sight-hunting
dogs include: Greyhounds, Afghan Hounds, Borzoi, and
Deerhound, all hunt using their sight. The Beagle, Bloodhounds
and Bassets hunt with their noses to the ground, using
their sense of smell to hunt their prey.
Hounds tend to focus intently on the "target",
which makes it more difficult for their owners to call
them off their task. Also most Hounds have very
loud barks which cause a raucous.
Sporting dogs are another classification
and they help their owners find and retrieve less fortunate
animals and creatures. The group of sporting dogs includes:
setters and pointers. They will often indicate where feathered
game is located and retrieve shot game.
General characteristics of sporting dogs
include: kindness, quietness and gentleness. Most sporting
dogs dislike cities and prefer rural areas like farms.
About the Author
Francesca Black works in marketing for Dog Pound
and Horse Stall
leading portals for pet management.