Emma Snow
No actor wants to share the stage with
a dog, for he will undoubtedly be upstaged. Its all but
impossible to watch a dog movie without falling head over
heels into puppy love. Consider Mom, the warm-hearted
Border Collie from the 1995 blockbuster Babe. There was
nary a dry eye in the theater as she watched her pups
sold. Disneys 101 Dalmations left an audience crying
(as Cruella), I want those puppies! Even television
commercials tug at our heart-strings. Dinky started a
Chihuahua craze the world over as the spokes-dog for Taco
Bell, while Spuds Mackenzie ushered in a new generation
of Budweiser Beer drinkers. There is no doubt about it;
the media has great influence over pet popularity, particularly
those of the canine persuasion. In itself, this isnt
a terrible thing, but when it comes to choosing a pet
for your family, Hollywood can spell disaster!
Just imagine a couple going to a movie featuring
a cute child. On screen the child is humorous, attractive,
and clever. It never gets into trouble, except when it
is funny. Imagine the couple falling in love with this
on-screen child, going so far as deciding to have a baby
of their own, without taking any of the complications
of child-rearing into consideration. They dont expect
to have any troubles with their childthey naturally expect
it to resemble the child from the movie.
Sound ridiculous?
Now imagine that same couple six months
after their baby is born. They are now trying to find
a family to adopt their child. It takes up too much room,
and they cant leave it home by itself while they work
all day. They had no idea how much money it cost to feed
and diaper it, not to mention the doctor bills! The baby
demands too much attention, and over all, they cant take
anymore crying.
This same scenario happens over and over
again every time Hollywood releases a dog movie. Dont
get me wrong, I love a good dog movie as much as the next
canine enthusiast, but there are good reasons Sandi Dreimel
of sites this as one of the four worst
reasons for getting a dog.
The next time you think about bringing home
Rin-tin-tin remember: Dogs are great stars, and often
several dogs share one role. Nine different dogs have
played the part of Lassie since it first premiered in
1943. These dogs are trained by experts for years before
they are accepted on the set. Special tricks and effects
can give animals human-like qualities. But real pets are
only too
real, and individuals end up disappointed when
the pet they purchased doesnt behave like their screen
counterpart. Disappointment quickly turns to annoyance
and sometimes can even become abuse.
Besides expert training, many Hollywood
dogs require extensive care. Frequently films will feature
rare and exotic breeds that are difficult to care for.
Take our little talking tacquito friend. Chihuahuas, while
smart and affectionate, need careful socialization to
keep them from becoming suspicious of strangers, jealous,
and even aggressive! Their tiny frames, while adorable,
make them vulnerable to injuries. All of these traits
make Chihuahuas an unsuitable companion for children,
but these arent traits generally advertised on Taco Bells
commercials. However they should definitely be taken into
consideration before bringing home Tacos twin.
At times Hollywood has actually created
a breed boom with a movie. Unfortunately this instant
popularity can attract the wrong crowd. There are irresponsible
breeders out there who are more interested in making money
than careful breeding. Their negligence can result in
animals of poor health, bad temperament, and inferior
structure. Sadly these breeders are everywhere. It may
take a little research to buy a purebred, something impulse
buyers, like those influenced by the latest Hollywood
trend are unlikely to do.
What happens to these pooches when people
become bored or disillusioned with them? Too often yesterdays
fads become a burden on shelters and rescue groups struggling
to place forsaken pets. Roughly 60% of animals in shelters
are eventually euthanized. So, before you go looking for
that Lassie look-alike, remember that choosing a pet is
a lifestyle choice, not a fashion statement. Think through
your decision, realizing that dogs require time, money,
and a lifetime commitment. (Most dogs live between 10
and 15 years.) If your child has her heart set on Pongos
stunt double, consider buying her the DVD, or better yet,
a stuffed animal. And if you do decide to get a dog, make
sure you read up on its breed, spend time with it, talk
to real dog owners, and set realistic expectations for
yourself and your new pet. Theres a reason dogs are known
as mans best friend. But as with people, choose your
friends with care!
About the Author
Emma Snow an animal lover works in marketing for Dog Pound
and Horse Stall
leading portals for pet management.