By Fran Black
Before bringing your new puppy home, select
a veterinarian and set up an appointment for you new puppy
to have a checkup. Your puppy will need to have regular
checkups, and immunizations to protect him from common
canine infections, so it is important that you establish
a relationship with a veterinarian early on.
A new puppy is akin to having a new toddler.
The puppy, while only an baby, the puppy has the ability
to be mobile and access everything that he or she really
shouldn't. New puppy owners should not let their new puppy
out of their sight for too long of a period of time.
Puppies love to chew. Electric wires can
mean instant death to puppies. If you are not using an
electrical appliance, unplug it or put it up out of puppies
reach. Pet repellent such as Bitter Apple, can be used
as deterrent to prevent puppies from chewing on cords
or other items that attract their interest. Ideally puppy
owners should furnish chew toys or a hard rubber balls
for the puppy to play with. Puppies are teething and have
the need to chew, so give them an alternative to your
favorite shoe. Any chew toys that are provided should
be made especially for dogs or puppies. What is safe for
a small child may or may not be safe for a puppy and vice
A few of your common household plants, shrubs
and trees can be very toxic to puppies. Make sure you
remove any poisonous plants or place them in an area where
the puppy will be unable to access them. Garbage cans
are another potential source of danger. Most puppies like
to root through the contents of the trash. A trash can
contain a number of puppy hazards. Make sure the lids
on trash cans are secured and that the puppy does not
have access to any garbage. Additionally puppies should
be restrained from any areas in the yard that are used
for composting. Decomposing produce while great for gardens
can be very harmful to a puppy if ingested. Be sure that
any compost areas are cordoned off and are inaccessible
to roving puppies.
Keep toilet lids closed, or better yet,
keep your bathroom door closed. Some puppies love to get
a hold of toilet paper and either shred it or run down
the hall with it. A fun game, but not that much fun when
you are tasked with clean up.
Don't forget, many puppies are good climbers
and can get to many things you wouldn't think about, like
a kitchen table when a chair is pulled out.
A child proof medication bottle is not
necessarily puppy proof, their sharp teeth can crack the
plastic, so make sure you do not leave any bottles or
pills where a puppy can get to them.
Some puppies are capable of opening cabinet
doors, especially those that are ajar. If you keep bleach,
detergent or poisons in low cabinets either move them,
or use a childproof lock to secure the cabinet.
Check your yard, fence and gate and make
sure that your puppy can not escape. Be on the look out
for loose dirt around the fence that might be an indication
your puppy is trying to dig his way out.
Watch new puppies closely for elimination
signals. A leash is a handy tool to keep your puppy nearby
when you are preoccupied. Your puppy should not be considered
house trained until he/she has gone for at least 6-8 weeks
without eliminating in the house. Remember, house training
takes time. If you need to leave your puppy alone during
the day or for any extended period you need to crate train
your dog.
Paying close attention to your puppy will
ensure that he or she grows up to be a happy well adjusted
About the Author
Francesca Black works in marketing for Dog Pound
and Horse Stall
leading portals for pet management.