House Training Chihuahuas
House training your new Chihuahua is easy when you
start with firm consistent rules. The biggest problem
with Chihuahuas "doing their business" usually relate
back masters who are inconsistent with their reactions
to good and bad behaviors.
New chihuahuas will have no idea where the bathroom
is unless you make it very clear to her (or him), so
the first thing you should do with a new chihuahua is
spend time with them and let them know where things
are...the place to sleep, the toys, and the bathroom.
Chihuahuas by nature will just go when they have to,
and are rather carefree about it at first, so you will
need to spend time around her, and help her to know
the rules and procedures.
If your chihuahua has been with you for a while, and
she (or he) is still making mistakes, then you should
first know that these loving dogs respond best to positive
reinforcement. This means you should spend most of your
time on commending good behavior rather than discliplining
your chihuahua when mistakes are made.
If you want to correct any problems with peeing or pooing
in the house, confine your chihuahua to a small room
when he sleeps at night, since they dislike using their
sleeping area for a toilet. First thing in the morning,
take your dog out to where you want her "area" to be,
and keep her there until the business is done. Then
commend her, and be very affectionate, and use a soft
voice. This bonds the chihuahua with you, and creates
a desire to repeat the experience.
If you have been active in disciplining your chihuahua
and are feeling frustration, you might want to know
that chihuahuas are pain avoiders, so she might be running
off and doing the business in a secret spot, and disappearing
before you discipline her. Again, positive reinforcement
is the key to getting your chihuahua house trained and
If punishment is used, it should only be given when
catching her in the act, or within a few seconds of
the bad behavior, otherwise the dog won't know why you
are angry. Punishment should only be a stern voice and
facial expressions, since chihuahuas are very perceptive.
Beating your dog is not a good idea, since it will create
avoidance behaviors (example: do not poo on the living
room carpet), rather than focused good behaviors (poo
in the garden near the fence).
Male chihuahuas have "marking" built into their brain,
and you will not change them. Basically, they can pee
on demand. You can teach your male to go to a particular
spot when he wants to mark. One woman had a house-bound
male, and succeeded in paper training him by laying
plastic down, then paper, then put a full bottle on
top that was covered in dog urine. She then worked with
her male dog to give him praise when he urinated on
the bottle.
Other more methods of house training include crate training
and outdoor training, so you might want to investigate
these methods if you are not having success within 4
If you are at your wits end after using everything mentioned
here, you should get advanced help, because sometimes
professional advice is the only thing that can bring
success in house training your chihuahua.
Chihuahuas are smart, loving dogs, and a joy to have
when they learn the rules and respect you, so be kind
and firm, and enjoy your time with your little buddy.
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