Field Spaniel Dog Health Concerns
The Field Spaniel is prone to
the following major health conditions:
Canine Hip Dysplasia - Hip dysplasia
is an abnormal formation of the hip socket that,
in its more severe form, can eventually cause
crippling lameness and painful arthritis of the
joints. It is a polygenic trait, that is affected
by environmental factors in the production of
the final phenotype. It can be found in many animals
and occasionally in humans, but is most commonly
associated with dogs, and is common in many dog
breeds, particularly the larger breeds.
The Field Spaniel is prone to
the following minor health conditions:
Otitis Externa - Otitis Externa
is an infection of the outer ear, including the
ear canal. Most common in dogs with long, hanging
Hypothyroidisim - Hypothyroidism
is a condition in which the thyroid gland does
not make enough thyroid hormone. Early symptoms:
Being more sensitive to cold; Constipation; Depression;
Fatigue or feeling slowed down.
The Field Spaniel occasionally
has problems with the following health conditions:
Heart Murmur
Patellar Luxation - Patellar Luxation is the
abnormal shallow groove in the knee sot hat the
knee cap slips n and out of the position, cuasing
lameness. Patellar Luxation is most common in
small dogs.
Seizures - Seizures manifest as an alteration
in mental state, tonic or clonic movements, and
Spaniel Dog Gifts