The Weimaraner dog breed originated in
Germany in the 1600s. The Weimaraner is
also known as the Weimaraner Pointer and
Weimaraner Vortehhund. The Weimaraner
was initially bred to track large game.
The Weimaraner has a long lean build.
The Weimeraner weighs 70-86 lbs and is
22-27 inches tall. The Weimaraner’s tail
is docked.
The Weimaraner requires strenuous and
regular exercise, it will not be happy
without regular activity. The Weimaraner
often demand attention from their owner.
The Weimaraner is bold an rambunctious,
often too rambunctious for small children.
The Weimaraner has a sleek uniformly
gray coat, fine features. The has long
muscular limbs, a god sense of smell.
There are both long-haired and short-haired
types of Weimaraner but the short-hair
is far more common. The Weimaraner has
regal almost aristocratic poise. They
require very little grooming.
The life span of Weimaraner is typically
10-13 years.
About the Author:
Logan Winters is a long time dog owner
and horseman, provides content for for
Dog Pound
and Horse Stall
leading portals for pet management.