A Bulldog, also known as British Bulldog or English
Bulldog, is a breed of dog which traces its ancestry
to the British Isles. It should not be confused with
other varieties such as the American Bulldog or the
French Bulldog, which have a similar appearance. The
bulldog is a breed with characteristically thick shoulders
and a matching head. There are generally thick folds
of skin on a bulldog's brow, followed by round, black,
wide-set eyes, a short muzzle with characteristic
folds called "rope" above the nose, with hanging skin
under the neck, drooping lips, and pointed teeth.
Despite their famous "sourpuss" expression, bulldogs
are generally docile although can prove to be very
fast movers over a short distance. They are friendly
and gregarious but occasionally willful. The phrase
"stubborn as a bulldog" is loosely rooted in fact.
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